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Tips and Advice / May 18, 2018

10 must-have travel apps

We at BikeTours.com are always looking for the best ways to improve our travel experiences. Many times, this means technology that helps us travel with ease.

Remember that catchy old “there’s an app for that” commercial? Turns out there’s still an app for that, especially when it comes to travel. In fact, here are ten that will help you out on your next trip, courtesy of HotelsCheap.org. Have wifi, will travel!

to travel aps

Quick List

  1. Tripit
  2. Wikitude – this one no longer exists, comment if you know a good one we should use instead!
  3. Flightaware
  4. Postagram
  5. Trailhead, now AllTrails
  6. Kayak
  7. AllSubway
  8. Yelp
  9. SitOrSquat
  10. Journi Blog: Travel Journal

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